We believe cost should not be a major factor in obtaining a good education. While financial aid is available in many colleges, it needs a proper application and explanation of circumstances for students to avail these. This process can be quite confusing with a plethora of forms, some common and some specific to various institutions. Our experience and expertise shall enable you to navigate this process and accrue significant returns in the form of need based and/or merit based financial aid.
Over the past five years, our students have received scholarships and financial aid worth a cumulative amount of INR 120 crores (approx. USD 17.9 million) with offers in 2017 alone exceeding INR 48 crores (USD 7.2 million).
Cognix works with students seeking to study in well regarded colleges and universities in the United States, Canada, United Kingdom, Singapore, Hong Kong, Netherlands, Australia, etc…
Read MoreGuidance on Letters of Recommendation to help the student in procuring powerful letters of recommendations from the right mix of teachers and others.
Read MoreIn an effort to impact the lives and futures of underserved and deserving candidates, each year we work with a few